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Admin page for the Promenade Choirs

Current news:

Choir rehearsals:

The Choirs rehearse on a Monday evening during term time. There are usually ten rehearsals leading to a concert each term. Rehearsals are at Bell Farm Junior School, Junior Choir 6.30 to 7.45pm, Youth Choir 7.45 to 9pm.

Choir fees policy:

The choirs are largely funded by the choir fees, which are £70 per term. If there are more than one child from a family, the maximum fee is £100 perfamily. The choir is set up to serve the community and if any family is unable to meet these fees, they can be discreetly waived.

Cheques should be made payable to Promenade Choirs.

Choir membership policy:

The Promenade Choirs are non-auditioned ensembles. The standard is nevertheless high because everyone is expected to commit to working hard. Support is offered to those that struggle to begin with.

Choir safeguarding policy:

The Promenade Choirs believe that children and young people should expect the highest care possible whilst they are working with the choirs. The choirs' safeguarding policy is available by clicking here.

Choir dress code:

For more formal concerts the Youth Choir dress code is all black, with shirt or blouse that can take a tie. Promenade provides the ties on the day.

For Junior Choir, and for less formal occasions with the Youth Choir, the dress code is black trousers or skirts and Promenade polo shirts. These are loaned by the choir, to be looked after by the choir members and exchanged for larger sizes when needed.

Suitable black blouses are difficult to find for girls. Members have found Fruit of the loom on Amazon to be a good source. For smaller sizes The Childrens' Salon has proved useful.